Monday, November 17, 2008

Postal problems? It's not the economy, stupid

The U.S. Postal Service should not blame the economy for its recent red ink, Dr. Joe Webb of WhatTheyThink? says in a brief but excellent podcast released today.

"As long as you set prices by a committee and not by a marketplace, you're bound to be out of touch," says the long-time printing consultant and commentator. He includes a chart showing that postal volumes, which used to track GDP, started trending downward in the second quarter of 2007 even though GDP was rising.

I especially like the theme music "Dr. Joe" has chosen for his weekly "audio charts" -- Bach's Bourree in E Minor. No, 70's rock fans, Bach did not rip off Jethro Tull on this one; Jethro Tull, like, ripped off Bach.

1 comment:

  1. And by the way, that's me playing it!

    Regards and thanks for the mention!
    Dr Joe


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